Summer Window Weatherizing Tips

August is here and the hot weather will be here for the foreseeable future. Did you know that weatherizing your windows could help keep you cooler this month? It can also help increase energy efficiency, which can save money on your monthly utility bill. Here are some helpful window weatherization tips.

#1: Check your windows regularly.
Homeowners have various home maintenance tasks to keep up with. Checking your windows is one of them. Look for any chips or cracks and ensure that there are no issues with sealing. If you spot anything, make sure they are fixed right away. This will help prevent damage to the outside structure of your home and it could save you money on a costly window repair or replacement later down the road.

#2: Caulk windows.
Windows that leak air in and out can cost you big money. Windows are one of the primary places that air is lost, so caulk well around the seams.

#3: Utilize shades and fans.
Window coverings will help block hot incoming sun and work with your AC system to keep your home cool and comfortable this August. Keep blinds or curtains closed at the hottest and sunniest parts of the day so the temperatures inside can stay balanced.

#4: Replace old windows.
If the windows in your home are decades old, chances are, they are inefficient. We offer free quotes on replacing your outdated windows! New windows are EnergyStar® rated and insulated. Many windows use glass made of high efficiency low-E coatings which can reduce the amount of heat that is transmitted through your windows. And it will also help protect you from ultraviolet rays.

Ready to get your window replacement project started? We proudly carry and install Simonton and Milgard products and can help you find the right windows for your budget. We serve Portland, Oregon and the surrounding areas, as well as Central Oregon and Southwest Washington.  We are currently offering a variety of specials, so visit our specials page to see what our deals are available, then contact us today to get your free consultation scheduled.

Tips to Keep Your Home Cool This Summer

Summer in the Pacific Northwest is stunning. The weather is warmer, the days are longer, and it’s a great time to sit outside in your yard and enjoy the day. But when you come inside, you want a place to cool off. Here are some tips on how to keep your home cool, while minimizing your use of air conditioning.

Reduce sunlight:
Sunlight lifts the spirits, but direct sunlight heading into your home for hours on end could increase your home’s temperature. Adding some drapes, blinds, or reflective panels to your windows can minimize amount of sunlight that goes into your home. That will help decrease your home’s temperature and make it more comfortable.

Make sure your ceiling fan is rotating the right way.
Did you know that if you set your ceiling fan to rotate counter clockwise during the summer, it will help move heat away from the room and push the heat to the ceiling rather than down toward you? This will keep things cooler and more comfortable.

Utilize cross ventilation early in the morning.
Fresh air is great. But, if your doors are open while the temperature is hot outside, that heat will make its way inside. Open the doors in the morning when the temperatures are cooler, then keep them closed for the remainder of the day as the temps heat up. At the same time in the morning, open windows on both ends of your home. This will allow for cross ventilation, and cooler air will be able to move freely throughout the home.

Maybe your windows and doors are not energy efficient or easily opened. Perhaps they are decades old, have cracks or other damage, or leak that precious cold air inside your home out. The solution: new replacement windows Portland, OR. Contact the experts at Lifetime Windows & Doors today for more information!

Reasons to Replace Windows During Winter

The cold, wet weather is here and it’s easy to feel like you should stay inside all the time. When it comes to taking on a home renovation project during this time of year, it might feel a bit daunting. But we have good news! Replacing your windows during the winter can be easy and cost effective!

Your old windows will show their true colors.
Winter is the best time to identify problems with your existing windows. Window materials contract in the colder weather and your windows are exposed to significant wet weather and other elements. That’s oftentimes when you will start noticing any drafts or leaks.

Scheduling is more flexible.
Summer is incredibly busy for our team and other home renovation specialists in the Northwest. Getting your replacement windows done during the winter means you will have greater flexibility on installation dates. We will work with you year-round to find the best time for installation but planning your installation early will help you accommodate any other projects that you might have.

Save money!
Winter promotions are happening right now, so it’s time to act! We are offering a variety of specials that will help you save big money on the price of your window replacement project. For example, buy any two windows and receive your third free!*

Replacing your windows doesn’t mean you’ll be losing heat and energy as the old windows come out and the new ones go in. Our experienced team at Lifetime Windows & Doors will work to install one window at a time to ensure that your home stays as comfortable as possible throughout the process.

Our experienced team at Lifetime Windows & Doors can install your replacement windows on time and with superior attention to detail. Whether it’s Simonton or Milgard windows you choose, we have a variety of innovative and energy efficient windows that will fit your home’s style and your budget! Contact us today for information on getting your window replacement project started!

*Cannot be combined with other promotions. Must set appointment by Dec 31, 2019. Not valid on completed jobs or jobs in progress. Details provided at time of quote.

How Natural Light Impacts Your Mood

We’ve all heard that poor lighting could cause eye damage or give you a headache from eye strain over time. But did you know that absence of natural light will also impact your mood and overall physical health? The lack of natural light has been found to contribute to depression as well as vitamin D deficiency, but it can also impact how energetic you feel. Bright natural light is good to help wake you up in the morning, whereas dim lights will help with your body’s natural rhythm, helping you sleep.

In the office, poor lighting can negatively impact productivity and can even make employees feel drowsy. That translates to a lack of motivation and focus! Light truly impacts your health, affecting behavior, mood, and hormone balances.

Have you noticed that your home lacks clean, energy efficient windows and doors that can bring in this beautiful natural light?  Don’t delay in starting your window replacement project. We are proud dealers of Milgard and Simonton window and door products. Our team of professionals can help get your new windows installed just in time for the change to autumn, so you can enjoy the light and see the changing leaves. New, energy efficient windows will not only boost your health and well being, but they will add curb appeal and value to your home. That means you’ll get a good return on your investment when it comes time to sell your home later down the road. In the meantime, you can enjoy the quietness, lower utility bills, and natural light that comes from having new windows.

Ready to talk to us about what window options are available within your budget? Your home deserves a facelift and your health will thank you for it. Contact us today for more information!

3 Things to Do Before Remodeling Your Home

Remodeling your home is a big job, but if you plan well, things will go smoothly, and it can be more exciting than stressful. Here are some important things to do before remodeling your home.

#1: Outline your project goals.
Homeowners have lots of different reasons for remodeling their home. Maybe things are out of date or the style is simply not something they connect with. Maybe there needs to be more added space, or you’re looking to increase the resale value of the home. It’s important to outline what your overall goals are before you pick up the hammer and start demolishing. Perhaps one of your project goals is to enhance your living space and create greater views to the outdoors. If that’s the case, plan for new, updated windows in the space that are energy efficient. Maybe your backyard space is important in your remodel. In that situation, consider what exterior siding could help enhance the home.

#2: Bring in the pros.
Maybe you will work with a contractor or you plan on doing a lot of the work yourself. However, bringing in the professional for some of the biggest jobs like window or door installation or roof replacement is very important. These people have the experience and knowledge that it takes to get the job done with accuracy, attention to detail and efficiency. These professionals will also help advise you on what windows or doors will help you improve the overall design of the home while adding value and curb appeal.

#3: Narrow down timelines.
Home renovations take time, so figuring out a general timeline is key. Working with professionals on the project will help, as they will see if there are any limitations or restrictions on the timeline you’ve proposed. They will be able to talk to you about that and come up with a reasonable completion date so you can stay on track and minimize frustrations along the way.

Your home is a sacred place that should be cared for well. A home renovation project should be planned carefully so the result is exactly how you envisioned it. We work with homeowners from around Portland, southwest Washington, and central Oregon to install beautiful, updated windows, doors, roofs, and siding! No matter what your budget, we will work with you to find top quality products that will help you enjoy your home for years to come. Contact us today to talk to us about your upcoming project!


What is the Energy Star Rating?

Energy Star is a government-backed symbol used to note energy efficiency. Energy Star products help protect the environment through energy conservation and at the same time, help save money. The purpose of the Energy Star label was to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other harmful pollutants in the environment that are caused by inefficient energy use. In addition, the label helps people know which energy efficient products are available, allowing them to purchase the product knowing that it will save them money without sacrificing performance or quality.

In order to have a product meet the energy efficiency requirements, the Environmental Protection Agency has created some specifications based on several important standards. The product must be able to offer significant energy savings nationwide and the energy consumption and performance must be able to be measured and verified through tests. If the Energy Star product costs more than another product that is less efficient, the consumer should be able to recover the investment cost through decreased utility bills. There are several rankings on the label, including those from A to G. A is the most energy efficient and G is the least efficient. Energy Star scores are also used, numbered 1 to 100. A score of 75 or above means the product is a top performer.

Many appliances nowadays are certified as Energy Star certified products, but so are many of the windows and doors that we sell at Lifetime Windows and Doors. We proudly carry many different window styles and brands that will work with your home’s specific style.  We also have hundreds of different energy efficient door choices and can work on customizing them with different glass or window options. We carry doors from many different brands, including Therma Tru, Buffelen, Simonton, Masonite, Milgard, Codel Entry Systems, and Simpson!

We love serving the Pacific Northwest and are committed to energy conservation. We work with customers in Portland, Oregon and the surrounding areas, as well as Central Oregon and Southwest Washington. Whether you’re looking for new siding, new doors, or new windows to help make your home more beautiful while getting it more energy efficient at the same time, our experienced team at Lifetime Windows and Doors can help. Visit our specials page to see what our current specials are and contact us today for more information on our Energy Star products and we will answer your questions and help get an appointment set up!