Reasons Why You Shouldn’t ‘DIY’ Your Roof Replacement

asking a Portland roofer about diy roof replacements - they all say hire a professional

If your roof has seen better days, it might be tempting to tackle the roof replacement project yourself. With do-it-yourself (DIY) videos and tutorials for just about every home improvement project online nowadays, you might think it’s easy enough to do and could save money. So, should you DIY your roof replacement? We don’t think so. While DIY is great for many projects around the house, it can turn into a real disaster for more complicated projects like roof replacements.

Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t DIY your roof replacement project:

Roofing Can Be Very Dangerous

Roofing accidents happen all the time – especially for inexperienced people who don’t have the proper gear or tools. Installing a roof is dangerous work, even for roofing contractors. However, experience and the right equipment minimizes that risk and ensures you get your roof installed safely, accurately, and on-time.

This is especially important if your roof has significant damage such as cracks, leaks, or buckling ceilings. Only professional roofers should tackle jobs like that.

It’s Easy to Miss Potential Roofing Problems

If you’re tempted to simply shingle over your existing roof, think again. While this might help bolster your home’s curb appeal, you might be ignoring potential problem spots underneath the shingles.

This is where water damage creeps in, which could cause mold or dry rot, or even structural damage. Working with professional roofers gives you the peace of mind that everything is fixed and installed, so your roof can easily protect you and your home for the next several decades.

DIY Roofing Projects Don’t Come with Warranties

Roofing material manufacturers don’t guarantee materials unless they’re installed by licensed professionals. So, if you attempt a DIY roof replacement, you will likely forfeit guarantees and warranties that come with the roofing materials. That means, if something goes wrong in the future and you need to repair or replace the roof again, you will probably have to pay more out of pocket. This can be extremely expensive.

Roof Replacement Cost Analysis

If you’re weighing the pros and cons of DIY roof replacement, consider the upside. You may be able to successfully complete the project on your own and save some money. However, you’re introducing considerable risk to your home and the possibility that you’ll pay much more later.

On the other hand, when you hire a professional roofer, the job will be completed properly, and your new roof will add style, beauty, and protection to your home. Yes, a quality roof can be expensive, but it’s absolutely a home improvement project worth investing in.

Schedule a Professional Roof Replacement Today

DIY roofing is not a good idea for most people. It’s labor intensive, detail oriented, and dangerous. Simply put, professionals have the skills and experience needed to do a great job.

Save time and money by calling the team at Lifetime Windows and Doors and learn about our expertise in roof replacements. You can trust your home to our licensed roofers.

Window Care and Maintenance Tips

Cleaning a Window | Window Care Tips from Lifetime Windows & Doors

Windows play a big part in the overall look and comfort of your home. But, if you’re like most people, maintenance is probably not at the top of your mind each day. That said, taking a little bit of time to care for your windows can keep them looking great and functioning well for years into the future. To maintain the beauty, energy efficiency, and functionality of your windows, follow these window care tips:

Keep Your Windows Clean

As with any other household object, dirt and grime can degrade the look of your windows and eventually impact their performance. However, it’s also important to carefully clean your windows to avoid accidentally damaging them. To clean your windows like a professional, use these guidelines:

  • Never use abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals: Harsh cleaners can stain or damage the glass. Be sure to use a cleaner that is crafted specifically for glass.
  • Use a soft rag, paper towel, or window squeegee: Rough cleaning tools could lead to scratches. Soft rags or squeegees can help maintain the glass while avoiding streaks.
  • Remember to check the window tracks: Dirty window tracks can make it difficult to open or close your windows without causing damage to the frame. Routinely clean this part, too.

Watch For Condensation

When you cook or shower, do you notice that your windows form condensation? That often means the inside humidity is high and moisture could build up and drip into the windowsill. Over time, this is a recipe for mold or other problems. To avoid this, open a nearby window or door for cross ventilation, or run an exhaust vent to help equalize humidity.

Use Your Windows Gently

If you want to open your windows for some fresh air, be sure to do so carefully. The same goes when closing them. Don’t be heavy-handed when using them, such as forcing the latch or slamming the window to get it to seal properly. If there are arms on the window to help stabilize them, be sure not to strain them by pulling or leaning on them.

If you find that your windows get stuck easily, the latch isn’t working, or they simply aren’t sealing properly, it might be time to consider the age of the product. You may need a replacement if your windows are no longer working properly.

Consider Upgrading or Replacing Your Windows

New windows add value to your home. Not to mention, they help save energy in the long run, and even provide an enhanced sound barrier. Lifetime Windows & Doors carries a variety of window styles and brands that will fit well into your specific home’s aesthetic. And, most importantly, we aim to find replacement windows that fits within your budget guidelines. Not to mention, new windows are Energy Star® certified and come with great ratings, so you know you’re getting the best product that will help you save money each year.

Need More Care Tips or Want a New Window?

Contact us for expert advice or a free quote for your home improvement project! We have the experience you can trust and regularly offer specials that can help save you money! We proudly serve Portland, Oregon and the surrounding areas, as well as Central Oregon and Southwest Washington. Call us today to schedule your appointment.