Plan a Roof Replacement This Spring

Roof replacement technician laying out asphalt shingles on a rooftop

It’s easy to forget about your roof until there’s an obvious problem. However, if you wait too long to replace a worn-out roof, it could end up damaging the rest of your home. Thankfully, spring is the best time of year for a roof replacement! If your roof is no longer adequately protecting your home, it may be time to invest in a new one that will keep your property safe and beautiful for years to come.

Signs You Need a Roof Replacement

In general, if your roof is more than 20 years old, it’s probably time to start thinking about a replacement. There are a few indications of wear and tear or damage that you should keep an eye out for. If you notice any of these signs, it may be time for a roof replacement:

  • Missing shingles
  • Leaking or water damage
  • Moss growth
  • Discoloration
  • Sagging or sinking
  • Holes or other damage
  • Pest problems in your home

Still not sure if you need a new roof? The experts at Lifetime Windows & Doors can help! Our team will perform a thorough inspection and discuss their findings with you to help you determine whether repairs or a replacement are the best option for your budget and needs.

Why Spring is the Best Time to Replace Your Roof

Spring is a great time of year to replace your roof because the weather is great. It’s not too hot, the rain is starting to slow down, and the days are longer. All of these factors make for perfect roof replacement conditions. Additionally, spring is when many homeowners get their tax returns. Putting some of that money toward a roof will make the project a lot more financially feasible, while providing you with all the long-term benefits of a new roof – from energy efficiency to increased property value.

Dependable Roof Replacement Services

Your roof is one of the most important components of your home. That’s why at Lifetime Windows & Doors, we go above and beyond to provide you with the very best results possible. By using top-quality and Energy Star-rated Malarkey Roofing Products®, we can deliver exceptional workmanship that will last for years to come. We also offer a variety of roofing styles to choose from, so you’re sure to find the perfect fit for your aesthetics, budget, and lifestyle.

Want to replace your roof this spring? Turn to Lifetime Windows & Doors in the Portland OR area! With more than two decades serving the Pacific Northwest, we have the roofing expertise you can trust. From the initial quote to the final shingle, we will communicate closely with you and exceed your expectations.

We proudly serve Portland and the surrounding areas of Vancouver WA and Central Oregon. If you’re ready for a new roof, contact our team for a free estimate! We’ll help you build the perfect roof so you can keep your home protected this spring, throughout the year, and for decades to come.

Window Replacements: Worth the Investment?

Technician upgrading a home with a window replacement

Whether you plan to stay settled in your home for the next several decades or you want to sell it soon, investing in window replacements is always worth it. New windows don’t just minimize noise and add curb appeal; they’re also very energy efficient and will boost your property value. If you want to save money and increase the comfort of your home, Lifetime Windows and Doors is here to help! With our top-quality window products and years of experience, we know how to deliver beautiful workmanship with long-lasting results.

Why Replace Your Windows?

Many people think that the best time for window replacements is right before selling a home. However, new windows can benefit any house. Older properties often have single pane windows, which lose a lot of thermal energy and don’t protect against drafts. Even if you caulk the panes, old windows simply can’t offer the same comfort and efficiency as new options. Window replacements offer a number of benefits, including:

  • High energy efficiency: Did you know that the average home loses roughly 30% of its energy through the windows? Double pane, Energy Star® rated windows are designed to keep warmth in and cold out to reduce your energy consumption.
  • Money savings: Highly efficient windows will cut down on your monthly utility bills by keeping your home comfortable without relying as heavily on a heating and cooling system. Many homeowners save between $100 and $600 per year by switching to more efficient windows.
  • Noise reduction: If you live by a busy street, then you know how easily sounds can travel through a thin sheet of glass. Newer windows are designed to insulate against noise in addition to energy, which will keep your house quieter and more relaxing.
  • Boosted curb appeal: Many old windows have discolored frames, peeling paint, or other aesthetic issues. Replacements will give your home a facelift, making it look sharper and more modern.

Replacing Windows Before Selling Your Home

If you plan to sell your home, then now is a great time to invest in new windows if you haven’t recently! In addition to all of the reasons listed above, new windows will make your home stand out on the market. As a renovation to make your property more efficient, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing, window replacements have a great return on investment. Prospective homeowners are looking to save money wherever possible – so if that means they don’t need to replace the windows themselves AND they know their energy bill will be affordable, it’s a win-win!

Get New Windows for Your Home

Whether you’re staying or selling, Lifetime Windows and Doors has the products and expertise you can count on. For the best results possible, we proudly sell and install products from Simonton Windows and Doors or Milgard. From the initial design process and product selection to the full installation, we can help bring your vision to life! Give us a call today to learn more or get your free estimate.